Full Moon Drawstring Bag

Affiliate & Video (Sound) Disclosure: The link to the moon fabric on etsy is an affiliate link. The link to the lunar corona info and the song by Andrew Bird are to videos where sound will begin to play automatically.

Sometimes what I need is to create little sewing confections and this itty bitty drawstring bag is definitely as sweet as can be!

This bag is tiny—less than 2.5” square at the base x about 3.5” high when cinched closed.

These small drawstring bags are a mod for the Tiny Bin pattern.

This one was made by inserting a fussy cut snippet of Art Gallery’s Happy Moons print into this gray floral fabric.

If you’d like to make this pouch, or something like it, the moon was inset into the fabric by reverse appliqué. You’ll need to be able to fairly accurately sew a small circle or have a high tolerance for imperfections. The circle here is less than 1.5” in diameter and it’s not perfect, but it is good enough.

This blog post at gathered.how has two different ways to reverse appliqué. The one I used for the moon is the second technique shown in the section titled “How to sew peekaboo portholes”.

For the topstitching I embraced the imperfection and even added a few more sketchy outlines since the moon is often depicted with circles around it to symbolize a lunar corona or halo. These are two different things but both are basically circles/rings around the moon.

To mark out the circle for the appliqué stitching I used a sewing gauge as a compass. This post on my older blog shows you how to do this with a sewing gauge.

Finally, I’ll leave you with some moon lyrics from a song called The Sifters by Andrew Bird. The intro of this lovely song is a poetic description of the pull of the moon on the ocean (and our souls):

“If sound is a wave like a wave on the ocean
Moon plays the ocean like a violin
Pushing and pulling from shore to shore
Biggest melody you never heard before
What if I were the night sky
What if I were the night sky
Here's my lullaby
My lullaby to leave by
Lullaby to leave by
If I were the night”

Listen to the entire song on YouTube here.


National Parks Grocery Bag


New Sevenberry Tiny Floral Fabrics